Victory Township’s Larsen completes year as Michigan Dairy Ambassador.

March 11, 2019

Leta Larsen

Victory Township’s Larsen completes year as Michigan Dairy Ambassador.


By Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief.

Victory Township resident Leta Larsen has recently completed a year of serving as a Michigan Dairy Ambassador. Larsen, who is a junior at Michigan State University, majoring in agribusiness management with a minor in agronomy, received a scholarship from the Michigan Milk Producers Association in February 2018. She began her tenure attending the Great Lakes Regional Dairy Conference where she received training in “how to answer tough questions from consumers, how to promote the dairy industry in ways consumers would understand, and explain things in the simplest terms so both kids and adults could understand,” she said.

“Throughout the spring and summer, I attended various events where we promoted the dairy industry and answered questions that consumers may have.  In addition, I put together a booth at the Western Michigan Fair, where I handed out free dairy promotional materials, answered questions consumers may have about dairy products, and helped the Mason County Farm Bureau with its milk booth.

“Also in the summer, I completed quizzes and module trainings that further helped ambassadors like myself answer difficult questions and promote the industry.  In addition, I completed a blog about feed and forage management, focusing on alfalfa management on large dairy operations.  Last summer, I was a sales and forage intern with WinField United, and also help on my family’s dairy when we harvest haylage, so I had a high interest in this topic.”

Larsen performed those duties while balancing an out-of-state internship.

To wrap up the ambassador program, each ambassador went through a round of pick a question answer a question, as well as an interview from a panel of three judges in the dairy industry,” she said. “The pick a question’s were related to tough consumer questions that can be hard to explain to those who don’t come from dairy operations and simply want to know more about the industry.  We were asked questions on our involvement over the course of the year, as well as how we will continue to advocate for the dairy industry in our futures during the interview process.

“Overall, it was a wonderful year and experience,” she said.