37 apply for Ludington city manager job.
LUDINGTON — The Ludington City Council has scheduled a special meeting on Thursday, Jan. 10 at 1:30 p.m. to consider the 37 applicants who applied for the city manager position. The council is expected to go into closed session to discuss the initial candidates. A governing body is allowed under the Michigan Open Meetings Act, to go into closed session to consider job applicants if the applicant has requested confidentiality. Any action, however, must take place in an open meeting, including narrowing down the candidates.
Following closed session, the council will set a date for a special meeting for the purpose of interviewing candidates. It will also determine the candidates it will interview.
The job has been open since long-time manager John Shay left for a position in Ottawa County in June. Steve Brock has filled in as interim manager. Brock told MCP that his agreement with city council was to be interim manager for six months and that time will arrive in mid-January.
The council meets in its chambers at the municipal building, 400 S. Harrison St.