Recent arraignments include resisting arrest, drunk and disorderly charges.
By Allison Scarbrough, Editor.
LUDINGTON – The following were arraigned recently in Mason County’s 79th District Court:

– Britten Lee Towers, 17, of 707 N. Lavinia St., Ludington, was arrested by LPD for a felony of assaulting/resisting/obstructing police and misdemeanors of drunk and disorderly and disturbing the peace. Preliminary exam: Jan. 9 at 11:15 a.m. Bail: $3,500/10 percent.
– Autumn Lanne Jourden, 27, of 4716 N. Beaune Rd., Hamlin Township, was arrested by the Mason County Sherrif’s Office (MCSO) for a felony of stealing/retaining a financial transaction device. Preliminary exam: Jan. 23 at 11:15 a.m. Bail: $5,000/personal recognizance. (Mugshot unavailable.)
– Jorge Luis Garcia-Hernandez, 24, of 2272 E. Sugar Grove Rd., Sherman Township; LPD; operating while intoxicated (OWI) and leaving the scene of a property damage accident. Pretrial: Feb. 19 at 10:30 a.m. Bail: $3,500/10 percent.
– Blake Andrew Barrette, 18, of 105 W. Melendy St., Ludington; LPD; OWI and violation of a graduated license. Pretrial: Feb. 4 at 9:45 a.m. Bail: $2,500/10 percent.
– Jamie Lee Fiebig, 35, homeless; LPD; OWI. Pretrial: Feb. 4 at 11 a.m. Bail: $2,500/10 percent.
Court dismissals
– Thayne David Patterson, 32, of 1039 N. William St., Ludington, one count of controlled substance delivery less than 50 grams was dismissed Dec. 26. “The questioned substances have been further identified as not a controlled substance,” according to court records.
– Breanna Helen Kist, 19, of 2685 E. Hawley Rd., Custer, one count a of marijuana possession dismissed Dec. 28. “With the passage of Proposal 1, the ends of justice no longer require prosecution.”
– Jessica Joyce Church, 34, of 709 W. Ludington Ave., Ludington, one count of assault and battery was dismissed Dec. 28 “per plea agreement,” court records state.
– Harley Michael Fisher, 22, of 1779 Tallman Lake Rd., Fountain, one count of marijuana possession dismissed Dec. 28. “The ends of justice no longer require prosecution.”
– Richard Christopher Castaldini, 29, of 1121 Lance Lane, Ludington, one count of operating without insurance was dismissed Dec. 28 “per plea agreement.”
– Knollin Lee Fargo, 20, of 309 E. Fifth St., Ludington, one count a of marijuana possession dismissed Dec. 28. “The ends of justice no longer require prosecution.”
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