Hawley Road bridge closure begins Jan. 14.i

January 4, 2019

Hawley Road bridge closure begins Jan. 14.

LOGAN TOWNSHIP — The bridge on Hawley Road between Campbell and Masten roads will be closed for re-construction beginning Monday, Jan. 14; the bridge spans the South Branch of the Pere Marquette River. According to Eric Nelson, Mason County Road Commission highway engineer, construction will include removal of the existing 49-feet long single span bridge, which was originally built in 1900 and reconditioned in 1973. The bridge will be replaced with a new bridge that will be 90-feet long by 31-feet wide.

The bridge will be closed to all traffic until June 14. The detour will include Walhalla Road to Kinney Road to Masten Road.

The $1,048,000 project is funded by the Michigan Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, and the MCRC.


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