65 students receive inaugural Promise Zone scholarships.

January 4, 2019

65 students receive inaugural Promise Zone scholarships.

Sixty-five students took advantage of Mason County Promise Zone scholarships during the fall 2018 semester, paying for their education at West Shore Community College. See information about the Promise Zone here. Of those students, 32 were graduates of Ludington High School, 21 from Mason County Central High School, seven from Mason County Eastern High School, three from Gateway to Success Academy and two were GED exam qualified.

“In its first semester of awards, the Mason County Promise provides scholarships for education and training opportunities to graduates of Mason County schools to West Shore Community College,” said Jason Kennedy, chairman of the promise zone committee and Ludington Area School District superintendent. “The hope is that the scholarships will enhance the workforce development of the surrounding community.”

While 80 applications were received by the Mason County Promise Zone Authority Board from students to attend West Shore Community College during the fall 2018 semester, 65 students took advantage of resources provided to students by the Promise. Of those students who took advantage of the Promise, 16% of the students were first generation college students. In addition, 60% of the students identified the Promise as being influential in their decision to attend college after high school graduation.

The average high school grade point average of students who took advantage of the Mason County Promise during the fall 2018 semester was 3.17. 

The first two years of the Promise scholarship are being funded through a combination of gifts from private donors, corporate and foundation investments, federal and/or state financial aid available to Mason County students, and all other eligible sources. Future years of the scholarship will be funded through the capture of one-half of the growth of State Education Tax (SET) dollars in Mason County. Through the support of generous donors, more than $875,000 has been privately fundraised to support the operation of the Promise Zone.

“The Promise Zone Authority Board is extremely grateful to the Mason County Board of Commissioners for all of their support, and to all of the donors who have made the Promise Scholarship a reality for the students of Mason County, said Kennedy.

A community celebration of all of the donors to the Promise Zone Founders Fund will be announced in the near future. The Promise Zone Authority Board joins all of its donors and the community in congratulating the inaugural class of Promise Zone scholars.

For more information on the Mason County Promise Zone, please visit the Authority Board’s website to learn more about the scholarship and to read more about the terms and conditions of the scholarship. The link to the website is: www.masoncountypromise.org.


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