Another successful year of learning at Sandcastle’s Children’s Museum.

September 28, 2018

Another successful year of learning at Sandcastle’s Children’s Museum.

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,

Sandcastles Children’s Museum has had another fantastic summer. During our busiest time of the year, our museum is a bustling hub of learning and creativity for children and their families. Because of the generous support of local residents, businesses and foundations, we were able to offer many special educational programs in addition to the 40 hands-on learning exhibits we offer on a daily basis.

This summer kids were able to explore many new experiences and learn something new at Sandcastles. We were thrilled to offer two chemistry classes funded by a grant from Oxy Corp. and several different classes in video production (including stop-motion animation and green screen) as well as a photography class taught by Brad Reed, all funded by a grant from the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs.

We also offered cooking classes, storytime yoga, robotic Lego workshops, and three underwater robotic programs. Every week we had special projects offered at our art center for Messy Mondays and new presenters each Fun Friday. Kids made Slime and Moon Mud and painted with ping pong balls and fly swatters. They touched snakes and lizards and frogs, cracked open geodes, made fun crafts with Floracraft, and sang and played instruments with some amazing musicians.

We had over 40 young volunteers called discovery guides who helped out around the museum each week. These wonderful kids, ages 11 – 13, came in a total of 249 times to support our children’s museum. They helped with activities, picked up toys, and put on weekly puppet shows.

On several rainy days this summer  we had over 600 visitors, including 2018 record of  767! Even on beautiful days, we have had great attendance this summer. Through the months of June, July, and August, we had over 15,000 visitors to Sandcastles. This kind of attendance in the summer helps to fund our museum for the entire year, making it possible for us to maintain our beautiful building, pay our staff and utilities, and continue to offer programs and experiential learning throughout the fall, winter, and spring.

We love our community, and we take steps to make sure all children can visit Sandcastles. We offer discounted field trips for schools and non-profits, and we have given out over 159 free passes for families so far this year. We also enjoy partnering with different community groups such as Ludrock, Friday Night Live, and Ludington Street Pianos.

We have big plans for the coming year. We continue to strive to improve our museum and educational opportunities for children.

Thank you for the tremendous support that is offered to Sandcastles in so many ways. It is our wonderful community that has helped us to thrive so that we can be a benefit to the children who love us.


Kristin Korendyke

Executive Director

Sandcastles Children’s Museum

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