List of Mason County polling places.

August 5, 2018

List of Mason County polling places.

Four Mason County voting precincts will have new polling places beginning during Tuesday’s Primary Election. City of Scottville precincts 1 and 2 have moved from the Scottville Optimist Center to the Scottville Area Senior Center, 140 S. Main St.; City of Ludington precinct 4 has moved from Pere Marquette School to Danish Brotherhood Hall, 1014 S. Madison St.; and City of Ludington precinct 5 has moved from Lakeside Church, 301 N. Washington Ave. to Lakeshore Resource Network, 920 E. Tinkham Ave.

The following is a list of Mason County polling places. A registered voter will have a voter’s card that will list their specific polling place.

Amber Township: Township Hall, 171 S. Amber Rd.; Brenda J. Knizacky, clerk, 231-757-2160

Branch Township: Township Hall, 6688 E. First St.; Kimberly Tenney, clerk, 231-690-6137

Custer Township: Custer Village Hall, 2549 E. US 10; Ann Larr, clerk, 231-757-3869

Eden Township: Township Hall, 3369 E. Hawley Rd.; Julie VanDyke, clerk, 231-233-6867

Free Soil Township: Free Soil Community Center, 8480 N. Democrat St.; Lynda Papes, clerk, 231-464-5825

Grant Township: Township Hall, 843 W. Hoague Rd.; Mary Jo Janowiak, clerk, 231-464-5473

Hamlin Township: Township Hall, 3775 N. Jebavy Dr., Catherine Lewis, clerk, 231-845-0092

Logan Township: Carr Area Fire Department, 3975 S. Tyndall Rd.; John R. Kampfschulte, clerk, 231-898-3968

Meade Township: Township Hall, 5435 E. Free Soil Rd.; Sue Hasenbank, clerk, 231-464-5813

Riverton Township: Township Hall, 2122 W. Hawley Rd.; Cindy Gerbers, clerk, 231-757-2113

Sheridan Township: Township Hall, 6407 E. Dewey Rd.; Marlynn E. Gulembo, clerk, 231-462-3565

Sherman Township: Township Hall, 3854 Main St.; Kurt D. Lubben, clerk, 231-462-3205

Summit Township: Township Hall, 4879 W Deren Road.; Mary Samuels, clerk, 231-690-7167

Victory Township: Township Hall, 4411 N. Stiles Rd.; Barbara Egeler, clerk, 231-843-3607

Pere Marquette Charter Township:

Precinct 1: Township Hall, 1699 S. Pere Marquette Hwy.

Precinct Two: Calvary Baptist Church, 220 N. Jebavy Dr.

   Rachelle Enbody, clerk, 231-845-1277

City of Ludington:

Precinct One: Lakeview School, 502 W. Haight St.

Precinct Two: L.F. Peterson Auditorium, 508 N. Washington Ave.

Precinct Three: Ludington Municipal Building, 400 S. Harrison St.

Precinct Four: Danish Brotherhood Hall, 1014 S. Madison St.

Precinct Five: Lakeshore Resource Network, 920 E. Tinkham Ave.

Precinct Six: Emanuel Lutheran Church, 501 E. Danaher St.

  Deborah L. Luskin, clerk, 231-845-6237

City of Scottville:

Precincts One and Two: Scottville Area Senior Center, 140 S. Main St.

  Debbie Howe, clerk, 231-757-4729

To comply with the Help America Vote Act (HAVA), voting instructions will be available on audio tape and in Braille.  Arrangements for obtaining the instructions in these alternative formats can be made by contacting your local clerk in advance of the election.  All polling locations are accessible for voters with disabilities.

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