Reader supports senior millage renewal.

August 2, 2018

Reader supports senior millage renewal.

Letter to the editor by Mary Alway, Amber Township.

Letters to the editor are the opinion of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Media Group 31, LLC, owner of Mason County Press. 

I am writing in support of the Mason County Senior Millage Renewal. As someone who sees firsthand the benefits of the programs and agencies that receive this millage money, I encourage every voter in Mason County to show support by voting for this renewal. The millage renewal monies will continue to provide assistance to our senior citizens in the form of transportation services to doctor appointments, meals delivered to our home bound senior citizens, homemaker services, Medicare/Medicaid assistance programs, caregiver respite services, along with many other programs that are available at our four Senior Centers. These services are extremely important not only to our senior citizens, but also their families. You may not have a family member using these services at this time, but you will in the future. We need to keep these services available. Vote Yes on August 7 for the Senior Millage Renewal.