Neighbors helping neighbors.

June 20, 2018

Neighbors helping neighbors.

LUDINGTON — Habitat for Humanity of Mason County has been hosting its fifth Neighbor to Neighbor Revitalization Project this week in the 200 block of Fourth Street.

Homeowners who meet eligibility requirements have been able to receive help with exterior repairs, cleanup, painting, landscaping, etc.  Habitat works with local officials and trade professionals to determine the greatest housing needs in Mason County. Overall, the program aims to improve quality of life for homeowners, create neighborhood relationships and assist in increasing property values within a neighborhood.  Improvements will often result in reduced utility expenses and elimination of safety hazards for the recipient.

“We have had a great youth group, Grace 360, here this week from Hamilton, who have contributed to a majority of the volunteer work being completed,” said Jamie Healy, executive director of Habitat for Humanity of Mason County.

“This neighborhood was chosen based on need and the homeowners’ willingness to contribute and partner with the program.”

To date, the neighborhood revitalization has helped neighborhoods in Ludington, Scottville, and Fountain. 

“The program has been successful in rallying neighbors in Mason County as well as organizations outside the area who use this program as a missions trip.  In whole, the program embodies the concept of ‘Neighbors Helping Neighbors’,” Healy said.

“Each homeowner is required to contribute financially, volunteer along with the community members, pass a basic inspection and be up to date on mortgage payments and taxes.

“Because home repairs are costly, this program wouldn’t be possible without funding opportunities from organizations such as United Way, Community Foundation for Mason County, OxyChem, private donors and homeowner contributions. The generosity from local contractors also plays a significant role in what we are able to accomplish, their willingness to donate/ discount makes our dollars stretch.”

The Neighbor to Neighbor, Neighborhood Revitalization Project is hosted by Habitat for Humanity of Mason County and supported by the Pennies from Heaven Foundation,United Way of Mason County, Community Foundation for Mason County and community donors.  

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