WSCC paving to begin May 14; power outage May 19.
VICTORY TOWNSHIP — There will be a campus-wide power outage at West Shore Community College on Saturday, May 19, to replace the damaged electrical switch gear which failed earlier this year.
Consumers Energy will shut down power to the entire campus at the substation beginning at 8 a.m. If the work proceeds as expected, power should be restored in less than eight hours.
As a result of the outage, the Recreation Center will close for the entire weekend, May 19 and 20.
In addition, the Arts & Science Center parking lot repaving project will begin on Monday, May 14, and, weather permitting, completed on May 18.
The current asphalt in the lot will be pulverized, graded, and two coats of new asphalt will be applied and then the entire lot will be relined.
The roadway to the Recreation Center and West Shore Ice Arena, at the south end of the lot, will remain open, however, it will be reduced to one lane during the project. Parking during the week is available in the nearby Schoenherr Campus Center lot.