Farm Bureau presents Ag Week gift to newborn parents.

March 23, 2018

Samantha Reagan holds her newborn son, Brock Bowler, Jr., as she and Brock Bowler, Sr. receive a Farm Bureau gift basket from Lyndsay Earl during National Agriculture Week 2018.

Farm Bureau presents Ag Week gift to newborn parents. 

LUDINGTON — Mason County Farm Bureau recently presented a gift basket to welcome the first baby born at Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital during National Agricutlure Week.

The gift basket was presented to Samantha Reagan and Brock Bowler, Sr. of Hart, and their new son, Brock Bowler, Jr. Brock was born March 17 at Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital, weighing in at 7 pounds, 10 ounces and 21.5-inches long.

The gift basket was presented to the family by Mason County Farm Bureau representative Lyndsay Earl. It contained a picture frame, bibs, teething toys, pacifiers, stuffed animals and a farm puzzle. It has become an annual tradition for the local Farm Bureau to present a gift basket at Ludington Hospital to a newborn baby during National Agricutlure Week.

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