Letter to the editor: In opposition of repealing net neutrality.

December 19, 2017

Letter to the editor: In opposition of repealing net neutrality.

By Shayla Leonard and Roxy Jeffries, Scottville 

The Federal Communications Commission has decided to repeal net neutrality, and I want to do something about it. Repealing net neutrality is going to leave a negative effect on both the economy and the people. I have a point to prove, and I have valid evidence to do so.

It’s unfair for broadband companies to speed up service for certain websites merely because they favor them over others. The higher ups in these companies can do so according to their own opinions, and the people they provide with the Internet have their own as well. There is no right or wrong when it comes to opinions and what one thinks about something, but equality is always the best option. With net neutrality soon to be repealed, there’s going to be an angry, economical and political mess. Here is a situation similar to what I think will happen:

Imagine there are three lunch ladies. When they started working at a school, they gave each child an equal amount of food. After a while, they gave the children they liked the best more food, and the children they didn’t like less food, and they’re allowed to do this because they control the food in the lunchroom. The children are angry because of this, but they are allowed to choose which lunch lady they go to, so it seems like they have a choice in this complicated lunchroom situation. Remember, these children are all equal and deserve the same amount of food, but the lunch ladies don’t have to play fair when they play god while serving meals. That’s what is going to happen when net neutrality is repealed. The people will become angry, and may think they have a choice when the truth is that the government and broadband companies are controlling everything.
Some schools and work industries rely partially on the Internet. When net neutrality is repealed, schools may stop extracurricular activities to pay for educational services or vice versa. Some schools might altogether stop the use of the Internet, or only use it for essential things such as taking attendance, grading assignments, or creating important presentations. Work industries might pay their employees less in order to pay for the internet. Plus, some work industries are only on the Internet. For example, all of the numerous online shopping stores could possibly be put out of business. It is obvious that net neutrality is very important, for educational and industrial purposes as well as social.

Repealing net neutrality will decrease the amount of money already being exchanged in relation to the internet. Businesses such as Wish and Amazon rely on the Internet. The amount of online orders- about 30% of the United States’ mail- will decrease greatly when net neutrality is repealed. Work industries use the internet to promote and advertise their businesses and make contact with customers, and losing those privileges could lower the amount of money they receive in exchange for the goods and services they provide.

In this day and age, it is uncommon one will come across someone without a phone. Everyday people use several apps- all the while paying for Wi-Fi and data — without having to pay any extra expenses. Adding expenses to these apps, especially social media apps, will anger the people. The Federal Communications Commission’s decision already has. On various social media apps, people are sharing their opinions about the topic, and say that it is pointless and benefits no one, and they are correct. Repealing net neutrality will only weaken the economy and anger the people; both mean bad news for the government.
Through the explanations about why repealing net neutrality is unfair and will cause problems, it is proven that repealing net neutrality is going to leave a negative effect on both the economy and the people. Schools, work industries and online businesses are going to have a rough time. Plus, the people are angry and believe that this is a bad idea for their own reasons. So do I, and this is what I’m doing about it.

Thank you for your time.

-Shayla Leonard and Roxy Jeffries, Scottville 

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