WSCC homecoming picnic is Friday.

June 26, 2017

WSCC homecoming picnic is Friday. 


VICTORY TOWNSHIP — West Shore Community College’s 6,000-plus alumni will have a chance to celebrate the 50th anniversary of their alma mater at a homecoming picnic, beginning at 5 p.m. on Friday, June 30. The event is sponsored by the college’s alumni association.

The event will mark the founding of the college in 1967, and will commemorate admission of the 50th class of students to the college this fall. It will take place in the college’s Administrative and Conference Building.

Thom Hawley, executive director of the communications and community engagement, said anyone who graduated from or earned at least 45 credits from the college is invited to attend for a picnic style dinner and to reunite with alumni who got their start at WSCC. College retirees, past and present faculty and staff have also been invited.

“The college wants to continue the 50th anniversary celebration by recognizing our alumni and hosting what we hope will be the first of many annual alumni picnics,” Hawley said.  “Our alumni are spread far and wide throughout the world and this will be a perfect opportunity to reminisce and reconnect with fellow colleagues and friends from the past.”

In addition to the picnic, the event will include music, tours of the college’s facilities and the unveiling of plans to create an alumni plaza on the campus.

The event is free and casual, however an RSVP is required. For more information, visit the college’s web site,<> or contact Tasha Dault at<>

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