Equality Rally in Ludington June 11

June 1, 2017

Equality Rally in Ludington June 11.

LUDINGTON — An Equality Rally will take place on Sunday, June 11 at Ludington Rotary Park from 1 to 3 p.m. The event is affiliated with the Equality March for Unity and Pride, being held on the same day in Washington, D.C. and in at least 90 other locations across the country and the world.

A group of Ludington residents came together to create a show of support for LGBTQ individuals in the area, especially young people, who are more likely to be bullied than their straight peers and often feel like they don’t have the support of their parents or community. 

“As the mother of a gay daughter, I know how important it is for kids to feel supported and valued for their identities,” said Elaine Parker, one of the creators of the event.  The event also honors the 49 people who lost their lives in the Orlando Pulse tragedy on June 12 last year, the majority of whom were LGBTQ.

The rally will begin with speeches, poetry readings, and musical performances from LGBTQ people and their allies.  Then participants will walk the perimeter of Rotary Park.  The event will be family-friendly and peaceful.  Participants are encouraged to RSVP on Facebook (search for “equality rally Ludington”) or email ludpride@gmail.com for more information.

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