Ludington attorney speaks at conference about estate planning for non-US citizen spouses.

May 30, 2017

Carlos Alvarado

Ludington attorney speaks at conference about estate planning for non-US citizen spouses. 

ACME — Ludington attorney Carlos Alvarado was recently chosen to be a speaker at the 57th annual Probate & Estate Planning Institute held in Acme.  The weekend-long conference, which will be held again in Plymouth in June, provides estate planning attorneys with important knowledge and updates on law, procedure, and best practices in the area of probate and estate planning, as well as networking opportunities.

Alvarado, whose firm focuses on business, immigration, real estate, and estate planning matters, presented on the topic “Estate Planning for Non-U.S. Citizen Spouses.”  Among other things, Alvarado spoke about the increasing importance of immigration law in the estate planning realm, especially here in Michigan, where thousands of undocumented immigrants have settled to find work and have married U.S. citizens and started families.  Helping these families navigate complex estate planning laws—made even more complex by immigration laws—is crucial to protecting their financial futures as well as their children’s futures.

Alvarado will present his topic again at the Plymouth conference, held June 16-17.

Carlos Alvarado Law is located at 202 S. Harrison Street in Ludington; 231-425-4444.


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