Historical society withdraws millage request.

April 21, 2017

white pine villageHistorical society withdraws millage request. 

PERE MARQUETTE TOWNSHIP — The Mason County Historical Society has announced in a press release that it is withdrawing its request for a millage.

“The Mason County Historical Society (MCHS) Board of Directors met today and decided unanimously to delay its proposed millage request in order to more clearly communicate to the public the pressing capital needs the millage will support”, according to MCHS executive director, Dr. Rick Plummer.

The Historical Society was asking the Mason County Board of Commissioners to consider placing the .29 mill request on the August ballot. The issue would have been the only item on the August ballot and would have cost an estimated $45,000 to $50,000 to hold the election, which the MCHS stated that it would reimburse the county.

See related story. 

The press release also stated:

“Additionally, the Board expressed its desire to correct many misperceptions and to address the misinformation about the Society which has recently been presented in public forums.”

“The Board is convinced that this millage will help preserve and protect the priceless buildings, artifacts, and archives held in trust by the Society,” Board President James Jensen stated.

“Mason County Historical Society understands the weighty responsibility it has in the ownership of these prized buildings, artifacts, and archives which have been entrusted to it; and while legally these invaluable objects belong to the Society, in a very real sense, they truly belong to the county residents themselves. The Society’s great challenge is to preserve, protect, and present them for everyone–those today and those in the future–who value the safeguarding of our heritage,” the press release stated.

“Mason County Historical Society is committed to its mission for Mason County residents now and for all later generations. It understands that preserving our past is vital to our future.

“The Society’s strategic plan calls for bold new ways of making that past exciting, educational, accessible, and downright fun for everyone.”

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