Spartan Proud: Dr. Weston Squires, a well adjusted life.

April 5, 2017

mcc_squires_1Spartan Proud: Dr. Weston Squires, a well adjusted life. 

Class of ’09

#SpartanProud #MCCSchools.

By Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief.

Spartan Proud is sponsored by Mason County Central Schools. This series features alumni of Mason County Central telling their stories.

SCOTTVILLE — Many people’s careers are often influenced by positive role models in a person’s life. For Dr. Weston Squires, becoming a chiropractor seemed natural since his father, Dr. Lewis Squires, has practiced chiropractic in Scottville for many years. But Dad (and mom, Wanda) were just the beginning of the positive roll models Weston experienced growing up in the Scottville area and at Mason County Central Schools.

“I was always involved in sports throughout my entire MCC career,” he says. “I appreciate the teachers and coaching staff for their guidance during my school years. I would like to recognize Scott Briggs as one of the coaches who pushed me to excel on and off the field. I also greatly appreciate the mental math skills that Gary Anderson taught as they have helped me many times since high school.

“The MCC experience was not defined by just a couple of teachers or coaches. The collection of all staff and the organization helped me develop an attitude to pursue success and excellence. I still keep in touch with several friends from high school. Most of my close friends from high school were teammates throughout the various years of sports.  I will always have a soft spot for MCC and all the memories from over the years.”

Weston is a 2009 graduate of MCC and recently graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa, with a doctorate degree in chiropractic.

“I have had the dream of becoming a chiropractor since early on in high school and decided to pursue that dream. The doctorate program and national board examinations were no easy task but I am happy to say that my dream has come true.”

Weston recently joined his father and the staff of Squires Family Care Chiropractic.

His undergraduate work was at Michigan State University where he earned a bachelor of science degree majoring in kinesiology, the scientific study of human movement.

“I used this opportunity to involve myself in human biomechanics, anatomy and neurophysiology labs to better understand how the body reacts to movement, development, sports and lifestyle changes. I grew an enormous amount of respect and curiosity about how the human body functions. This curiosity lead me to expand my experiences by becoming a certified personal trainer.

“I have worked with individuals of all ages over the past eight years through rehabilitation, fitness/physique training, sports performance and everything in-between. I have been blessed to have opportunities since I left MCC. Any open doors I came across I tried to take every step I could to advance my knowledge and skill set for my future career.”

Attending a small high school presented a little bit of a challenge for Weston as a college freshman at Michigan State, but it also made him appreciate his roots.

“As soon as I stepped onto the MSU campus and had 500-plus people in one class I was a bit overwhelmed. It also took me a while to get use to living around 50,000 students on campus. I would say growing up in a small town made me appreciate the simple things more than some of my bigger city friends. Overall I would say that coming from a small school had its advantages and disadvantages. This being said I was able to take my experiences from MCC and make it through undergraduate and graduate programs.”

Weston says he made the decision to come back to his hometown because of family and friends.

“I have a wonderful family and support system,” he says. “My parents have been nothing but positive towards anything I’ve attempted in life. I cannot express the gratitude I have for both of them. My girlfriend of 10 years, Alexus Cox, is also an MCC grad and pursuing her doctorate in podiatric medicine. I greatly appreciate the support from her and her family over the years. I have several siblings — Jeff Patterson, Greg Patterson, Angie Squires and Justin Squires who have always been there to push me towards my dreams. I consider myself blessed to have grown up in Mason County with such amazing family and friends.”

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