County recount takes place Friday.

December 6, 2016

vote_election_amberCounty recount takes place Friday. 


LUDINGTON — The Presidential Election recount takes place in Mason County Friday, beginning at 9 a.m., in the lower level of Ludington City Hall, 400 S. Harrison Street. The recount is open to the public. County Clerk Cheryl Kelly said she expects observers from both major political parties. However, she said she has not heard from representatives from the Green Party, which is the political party of Jill Stein, the presidential candidate who has initiated the recall. The recount at Ludington City Hall will also include ballots from Oceana County.

The Michigan Republican Party filed a Notice of Appeal with the Eastern District Court of Michigan Monday in an attempt to stop the recount. The notice of appeal is the first step in appealing to the United States Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals. 

 “This is a Michigan issue, and should be handled by the Michigan court system,” Michigan Republican Party Chairman Ronna Romney McDaniel said.  “Michigan courts should decide Michigan election law.”

The appeal will focus on arguments for abstention of the federal court, as well as laches, arguing that Jill Stein waited until the last possible moment to file a petition for recount, and thus, cannot ask the court to enjoin.

“Jill Stein’s lack of planning should not constitute emergency action of Michigan taxpayers and clerks,” McDaniel continued.  “This recount is a waste of time, energy, and Michigan taxpayer dollars and should be stopped immediately.  We hope that when the Michigan Court of Appeals hears our case tomorrow, they will stop this unnecessary recount.” 

The Michigan Court of Appeals has scheduled oral arguments for today, December 6, 2016, at 4 p.m.



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