Emergency crews search beach for body, nothing found.
By Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief.
HAMLIN TOWNSHIP — Emergency personnel from three fire departments and two law enforcement agencies, along with Department of Natural Resources personnel, searched the Lake Michigan shoreline for about two hours Monday afternoon for a report of a body found on the shoreline.
Mason County Sheriff Kim Cole said that Ludington Police Department received a phone call at its office from a “private” number. The caller vaguely reported that a body had been found at the Ludington State Park beach. The caller did not leave his/her name.
Personnel from Hamlin Township, Fire Department, Grant Township Fire Department, Ludington Fire Department, Ludington Police Department, Mason County Sheriff’s Office, and the Ludington State Park, searched the Lake Michigan shoreline from Stearns Park to the Manistee National Forest Lake Michigan Recreation Area, using the state park as the center point of the search.
Sheriff Cole said nothing was found in the search.
“In the day and age of 911, I was a little surprised the call was placed to LPD and that the phone calling was a ‘private’ number,” Cole said when asked if he thought the call was a hoax. Cole said if the call was not a hoax, he would ask that the caller call 911 and provide a better location.