MCC 7th graders learn innovation.

October 21, 2016


MCC 7th graders learn innovation. 

#MasonCountyEducation #MasonCountyCentral
SCOTTVILLE — Mason County Central seventh grade students got some hands-on learning Friday morning. The school partnered with Makers Market of Ludington and Carrom Company to teach the students some skills.

There was only a half day of school Friday, because the teachers were holding in-service training in the afternoon. During the morning session, the seventh graders participated in three tracts including a building/problem solving tract hosted by Makers Market of Ludington, and also a lesson in playing Carrom, with Ben Nelson, representing Carrom Company.

The students also participated in a tract on computer coding. Teacher Phil Quinlan explained that the half a day session was an opportunity for the students to learn innovation and have a break from regular classroom lessons.

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