Fair rabbit winners.

August 9, 2016


The following are the winners of the 2016 Western Michigan Fair rabbit competitions:

Front row, from left: Molly Moser, first place, 5-6-year-olds, Brailyn Johnson, second place, 5-6; Joseph Kline, first place, 7-8, Jenna Hepworth, second place, 7-8; Second row: Laura Hepworth, first place, 9-10, Ella Korendyke, second place, 9-10; Mikayla Kenney, first place, 11-13, Kendra Gilchrist, second place, 11-13; Third row: Miriam Wilson, first place, 14-16, Rylee Cregg, second place, 14-16; Stephanie Doyle, second place, 17-19. Missing: Sarah Hepworth, first place 17-19.

Showmanship: Front row, from left: Molly Moser, first place, 5-6-year-olds, Brailyn Johnson, second place, 5-6; Joseph Kline, first place, 7-8, Jenna Hepworth, second place, 7-8; Second row: Laura Hepworth, first place, 9-10, Ella Korendyke, second place, 9-10; Mikayla Kenney, first place, 11-13, Kendra Gilchrist, second place, 11-13; Third row: Miriam Wilson, first place, 14-16, Rylee Cregg, second place, 14-16; Stephanie Doyle, second place, 17-19. Missing: Sarah Hepworth, first place 17-19.

Rabbit Best of Breed: Front row, from left: Mikalyn Kenney, reserve of show, mini satin; Miriam Wilson, Dutch; Allison Diehm, lionhead; Julia Gilchrist, Poish. Second row: Brailyn Johnson, rex; Molly Mosier, New Zealand; Jackson Cooper, Californian; Chloee Harris, mini lop. Missing: Haley Weidus, best of show, mini rex; Chloe Genter, Holland lop; Autumn Weidus, English angara; AmyGrace Shoop, Netherland Dwarf.

Rabbit Best of Breed: Front row, from left: Mikalyn Kenney, reserve of show, mini satin; Miriam Wilson, Dutch; Allison Diehm, lionhead; Julia Gilchrist, Poish. Second row: Brailyn Johnson, rex; Molly Mosier, New Zealand; Jackson Cooper, Californian; Chloee Harris, mini lop. Missing: Haley Weidus, best of show, mini rex; Chloe Genter, Holland lop; Autumn Weidus, English angara; AmyGrace Shoop, Netherland Dwarf.

Best of Show winner: Haley Weidus, mini rex.

Best of Show winner: Haley Weidus, mini rex.


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