Over 100 vets enjoy Fish On for Freedom.

June 24, 2016


fish_on_freedom_2016_aBy Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief. 

LUDINGTON — You couldn’t have really asked for a much nicer day out on Lake Michigan today. The air was still, the temperatures were in the upper ’70s and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. It was a perfect day for the second annual Fish On for Freedom veterans fishing tournament. Over 100 vets, riding on 30 fishing boats were treated to a morning of free fishing. Local charter boat captains donated their time and their boats for the use of the tournament while other expenses were covered by dozens of businesses and individuals who contributed. See fishonforfreedom.com for a full list of sponsors. The boats then paraded into Ludington harbor for a Welcome Home celebration, greeted by dozens of people lining the piers. To top it off, the vets were given a free lunch at the American Legion club on South James Street.

fish_on_freedom_2016_bSee video for more coverage.

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