$3.2 million village street project moves forward.

May 17, 2016

imageContributed by Ron Beeber.

PENTWATER — Attendees at a public forum Monday, May 16, at the village hall heard about a large project geared at repairing the village streets.

Most streets in the village will be sealed, rehabbed or reconstructed in a coordinated effort over five years as part of the Pentwater Street Improvement Plan. Municipal bond rates are at a 20-year low, providing the most funding at the lowest cost to taxpayers.

Village council member Norm Shotwell said that taking care of deteriorating streets and necessary utility infrastructure now will save taxpayers tens of thousands of dollars over the long run.

The additional annual tax on a $150,000 residence is expected to be about $90 to pay off the municipal bonds the village would have to issue to finance the $3.2 million project.

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