Squires discusses chiropractors’ efforts to gain full physician status with congressman.

April 27, 2016
Dr. Squires, far left, met with Congressman Huizenga, center.

Dr. Squires, far left, met with Congressman Huizenga, center.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Dr. Lewis Squires of Squires Family Care Chiropractic of Scottville recently attended an American Chiropractic Association event in Washington, D.C. During the trip, Squires met with Congressman Bill Huizenga (R-Holland) of Michigan’s second congressional district.

While in Washington, Dr. Squires was able to attend a reception and meet with two Metal of Honor recipients.
Squires said the ACA has launched a major grassroots campaign to enact federal legislation that would achieve full physician status for doctors of chiropractic in Medicare. “This initiative would significantly improve the health and wellness of our nation’s aging population,” Squires said.
“The National Medicare Equality Petition will raise awareness of how the current Medicare system shortchanges seniors who want and need the essential services provided by doctors of chiropractic to stay healthy, pain free and mobile, and how DCs  can be a part of the solution for what ails the U.S. health care system. ACA is encouraging doctors of chiropractic across the country to ask their patients and other chiropractic supporters to Sign the National Medicare Equality Petition and add their names to a growing list of Americans who want rightful  access to and full reimbursement for services provided by doctors of chiropractic for themselves or their loved ones who are Medicare patients.”

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