The court news is sponsored by Emelander Law Firm, PC, serving Oceana, Mason and Newaygo counties. Office: 231.303.5005; Cell: 231.303.0905.
By Allison Scarbrough. Courts/Police Editor.
LUDINGTON — The following were sentenced recently in 51st Circuit Court:

– Eric Zelek Hoggs, 40, of 724 E. Filer St., Ludington, was found guilty Feb. 3 of interfering with an electronic monitoring device and sentenced March 8 to serve 180 days up front of a one-year discretionary jail sentence with credit for 86 days served; one-and-a-half years probation; $658 in fines and costs. If extradited to New Mexico, jail time will be released. If extradited to other Michigan counties, jail time will be modified. Counts of domestic violence, aggravated stalking and using a computer to commit a crime were dismissed, along with fourth-offense habitual offender designation.

– Anthony John Beck, 24, of 106 Reinberg Ave., Scottville, was found guilty Jan. 12 of possession of a non-narcotic. He was sentenced March 8 to serve 45 days up front of a 90-day discretionary jail sentence with credit for three days served; two years probation; $658 in fines and costs; and driver’s license suspended 180 days/restricted after 30 days. Work release must meet Mason County Sheriff’s Office guidelines.

– Eric Lee Gillespie, 49, of 2916 Trepanier Dr., Ludington, pleaded “no contest” Dec. 8 to assault with a weapon and carrying a concealed weapon. He was sentenced March 8 to concurrent prison terms of one-and-a-half to four years in prison and one-and-a-half to five years in prison with credit for one day served in jail and $326 in fines and costs. One count of assault and battery and one count of third-offense domestic violence, along with fourth-offense habitual offender designation, were dismissed.