Scottville commission may consider limiting parking times near city hall.

January 4, 2016

SCOTTVILLE — Scottville city commissioners are being asked by the city manager to discuss limiting the amount of time a vehicle can park on the west side of the 100 block of North Main Street. The item is on today’s commission agenda.

“The reason I am bringing this back up now is that we have some of the people who live above 101 North Main Street parking out front all day long,” City Manager Amy Williams wrote in a memo to commissioners. Williams said the topic was brought up a few years ago and the commission took no action at that time. “They are parking there from the time we come in at 7 a.m. and stay there all day most days. They are taking up one to two parking spaces right out front and our customers have to park quite a ways away in order to come into the office.” City hall is located in the same block at 105 N. Main Street. “I have placed notes on the cars in question and left a note on each of their exterior doors asking that they please not block spaces for any length of time, but that has not worked.”

Williams is asking the commission to consider limiting parking in that area to one to two hours.

“This should allow anyone doing business here at city hall, 101 North Main (McMasters building) or North Country Café enough time,” she said. Action by the city commission can include a long-term amendment to the city’s ordinance, which takes two readings by the commission. The commission can also approve a temporary traffic order, requested by the police chief, to immediately enforce the parking change.

The commission meets at 5:30 p.m. at city hall.

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