Bike-pedestrian path or leaf-yard waste path?

November 6, 2015

  Letter to the Editor, by LuAnne Winiecke, Ludington. 

Again this year property owners along North Lakeshore Drive and on Bryant Road are putting their leaves and yard waste in the bike-pedestrian pathways.

First of all, it makes it dangerous for the persons using those paths (for what they were intended for) to have to go out into the traffic lanes when they come to these areas. Also, it makes it dangerous for drivers when the yard waste is on the roadway in some instances. I was driving north on Lakeshore Drive just north of Tinkham Avenue this week and a jogger pushing a stroller had to go out in the traffic lane, and I had to veer in the turn lane to avoid a accident. I do think the city will pick up the leaves/yard waste when it is called, but why is it allowed in the first place? Doesn’t the city have a leaf corral on Bryant Road for this purpose? I’m sure there are a million excuses why, but the facts are, it’s a bike-pedestrian lane, and it is dangerous!


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