Woman arrested for Goodwill shoplifting. 

October 29, 2015

benedicts_springstead_police 091415The police news is sponsored by Benedict-Shilander Collision, now located at 5851 W. U.S. 10 behind Family Video; 231-843-4181 and Springstead Law Offices, with locations in Hart and Fremont, 231-873-4022 (Hart), www.springsteadlaw.

AMBER TWP. — A 38-year-old woman from La Boquilla, Mexico was arrested for retail fraud by the Mason County Sheriff’s Office at the Goodwill store, located at 4781 W. US-10, Wednesday, Oct. 28, at 4:28 p.m. following a 911 call.

Other MCSO activity Wednesday, Oct, 28, 2015, includes:

9:02 a.m., car/deer crash, no injuries, Lincoln and Victory, Hamlin Twp.

2:45 p.m., car/deer crash, no injuries, Masten and Anthony, Logan Twp.


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