Starry Stonewart plant invades Pentwater Lake; infestation subject of Oct. 15 meeting

October 2, 2015

Starry stonewartPENTWATER — Tony Groves of Progressive Engineering will present information regarding the recent discovery of the infestation of the exotic plant Starry Stonewort in Pentwater Lake during the Pentwater Lake Improvement Board meeting Thursday, Oct. 15, at 5:30 p.m. in the Pentwater Village Hall.  

Based on information from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality biologists, Progressive Engineering confirmed that the extremely invasive Starry Stonewort and another invasive exotic plant called Camomba are present in Pentwater Lake.

Neither plant is harmful to humans, said Board Secretary Juanita Pierman. “By forming dense mats of vegetation, Starry Stonewort can greatly reduce the diversity of aquatic plants in a lake,” according to a study conducted by the University of Wisconsin. “It can also impede movement of fish and other animals, and can decrease successful spawning activity. Mats growing to the surface can reduce water flow and make recreational activities difficult.” Starry Stonewart has the potential of plugging up boat propellers, Pierman said.

“Overgrown Cabomba in water reservoirs affects the aquatic environment, water quality and recreational activities.”

Joe Primozich was recently elected president of the lake improvement board. Also, new to the board is Dean Gustafson, representing the Oceana County Board of Commissioners.  

Information is available at the new website, www.pentwaterlakeboard.orgor by calling Pierman at the Pentwater Village Office at 231-869-4630 or calling 231-343-3776.

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