Spectrum Health’s Win with Wellness expands.

September 23, 2015

Win with Wellness Logo w textWin with Wellness is a free community-wide initiative designed to enhance healthy living through the promotion of wellness.  Initially developed by a group of interested residents, the program has changed significantly over the past five years and is now fully operated and funded by Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital as part of its Community Health & Wellness Council.

The Community Health & Wellness Council is made up of a group of community leaders from across the hospital’s service areas who have agreed to help Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital in leading population health initiatives.  Currently, members of the council include representatives from area schools, public health, long term care facilities, Mason County government, department of community health, West Shore Community College, and others. 

The council meets bi-monthly to discuss and plan health and wellness initiatives.  The driving force of these initiatives is the multi-county health assessment that is conducted every three years as mandated by the federal health law, the Affordable Care Act.  Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital funds these health surveys and there have been two completed to date for the hospital service area.  The most recent was finalized in May of 2015 and can be found here.

The Win with Wellness initiative currently consists of three parts:   

  • Win with Wellness Fit Club
  • Win with Wellness Biometric Screenings
  • Win with Wellness Senior Life

Win with Wellness Fit Club is a school-based initiative designed to help elementary school children learn about the importance of health and wellness through in-class education sessions and opportunities to participate in a walking/running challenge and fitness-related community events. 

Fit Club is currently offered in Ludington Area Schools, Ludington Area Catholic, Covenant Christian, Oaktree Academy, Mason County Central, Mason County Eastern, Pentwater Public School and Hart Public School. Children have the opportunity to earn prizes based on participation in a 100-mile challenge and incorporate fitness goals into their physical education classes.  There are after-school library opportunities as well as many event opportunities in each city. Fit Club helps children to get active and incorporate healthy activities for a lifetime of wellness.

Win with Wellness biometric screenings are offered free three times a year in Mason, Oceana and Lake counties for adults 18 years old who have a primary care physician.  The screenings provided include blood pressure, blood glucose, cholesterol (lipid) profile and height/weight for body mass index measurement. 

Prior to each screening event, held in each county in February, June and October, newspaper and social media notices remind participants about the screening and ask them to register. Each participant is given an appointment time for the screening and is reminded to refrain from eating or drinking for 12 hours before the blood test. 

Results are graphed and printed for each individual and their physician so that comparisons can be made to previous results.  The hope is that by knowing their numbers on each of the key health indicators, individuals will be better able to adjust their behaviors to make necessary changes.  Following the screening, an educational event is held where people can learn about ways to incorporate wellness into their everyday life.  The biometric screening program is offered free of charge and is an easy way to track health status.  Participants can sign up online or by calling the Community Education line at 845.2222.   The next screening dates are:

October 18 in Hart at Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital Family Medicine

October 20 in Baldwin at District Health Department #10

October 21 and 22 in Ludington at Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital

The Win with Wellness Senior Life initiative is a new program that is just getting started in Mason County and will later expand into Oceana and Lake counties.  The goal of Senior Life is to look at health assessment data for the 50-plus population, determine the most pressing health needs of area seniors and work with a group of committed residents to help drive solutions.  It is not yet known what the senior health needs are, but that data is being derived from the community health assessment.  Once it is reviewed, a plan will be developed and presented to Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital’s Health and Wellness Council for approval and work on the approved initiatives will get underway.

Each of these Win with Wellness initiatives are outlined in the hospital’s Community Health Implementation Plan, which is currently being updated and will be posted on the hospital’s web site soon.  It can be accessed by going to www.spectrumhealth.org/ludington , clicking on “About Ludington Hospital” and going to the link titled “Community Health Needs Assessment.” 

For more information on Win with Wellness, go to www.spectrumhealth.org/winwithwellness.

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