Scottville commission discusses town hall meetings; Pasco resigns seat.

September 21, 2015

By Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief.

SCOTTVILLE — Scottville city commissioners talked about holding town hall meetings during their regular meeting Monday night. The topic was raised by Commissioner Ed Hahn during commissioner remarks at the end of the meeting. Hahn said Commission Don Pasco, who resigned Monday, had brought the topic of holding town hall meetings a couple of months ago, but Hahn had not heard anything further on the topic.

Hahn said the city’s 5:30 p.m. meeting time is too early in the evening for the general public to attend. He further noted, in the same conversation, that there isn’t enough room at city hall because of the volume of people who have been attending meetings lately.

Commissioner Ann Genson responded that citizens are welcome to attend city commission meetings at any time and express their concerns to the commission.

Hahn said the residents of the town would like to get together with the commission and voice their opinions and concerns about the town. “There has been no attempt to advertise for any type of town hall meetings.

“I’m beginning to wonder if there isn’t a lack of initiative or if there is an intentional effort to stifle these meetings,” Hahn said.

When asked later by MCP about Hahn’s comments, City Manager Amy Williams said she did not recall any formal action by the commission to direct her to organize such a meeting.

Genson said, during the meeting, that she did not recall such a discussion but it’s possible she had missed that meeting.

Mayor Dick Maki said any citizen is welcome to attend any of the city’s public meetings and they are also welcome to visit city hall to ask questions.

During Monday’s meeting, the commission unanimously accepted the resignation of commissioner Don Pasco. Pasco was appointed to the commission in April. The at-large seat is open to anyone who has resided in the city for at least one year. A letter of interest can be emailed to or sent to 105 N. Main St., Scottville, MI 49454. The seat must be filled within 30 days or else the commission is required to hold a special election.

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