Scottville may increase parking fines.

September 22, 2014

SCOTTVILLE — Parking ticket fines may increase in Scottville. City commission will hear the first reading of an ordinance to raise the fee from $10 to $30 during its regular meeting, which begins at 5:30 p.m. The change comes as a recommendation from the city’s public safety committee.

“Most of the parking tickets we write are in the winter months for those people who park on the street after 2 a.m.,” said City Manager Amy Williams in a pre-meeting memo. “I believe the $10 fee has been in place since our ordinance was enacted back in the early 1990s. “We wanted to move forward now before winter is upon us.”

Williams said the committee reviewed what other communities are charging and would like to be in line with what Ludington charges, which is $30 per ticket with an increase to $40 if the ticket isn’t paid within 10 days.

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