College president pleads guilty to drunk driving.

September 17, 2014
Dr. Charles Dillon

Dr. Charles Dillon

By Rob Alway. Editor-in-Chief.

MANISTEE — West Shore Community College President Chuck Dillon appeared in 85th District Court this morning where he pleaded guilty to operating a vehicle while intoxicated. He was sentenced to two years probation and was given a fine of $925. He was also sentenced to two days in jail, which he has already served.

Dillon, 64, was charged with operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated, high blood alcohol content, also known as “super drunk.” He was pulled over and arrested by Manistee Police Department in the Oleson grocery store parking lot in the evening of Aug. 6. He had been driving from Elberta, over 30 miles away.

See related story here; related video here. 

He refused a breathalyzer test and was mandated to take a blood draw. That resulted in a blood alcohol level of .186 grams of alcohol per 100 milliliters. The legal limit is .08 and “super drunk” is .17 and over.

In a drunk driving case with a BAC below .17, the maximum penalty is 93 days in jail. With super drunk, the max moves up to 180 days. Driver’s license suspension is increased from 30 days without driving and 150 days of restricted to 45 days without driving and 320 days restricted. A person with a super drunk charge must have an ignition device installed for the entire period of restricted driving. Fines are also increased, from $100 to $500 for traditional to $200 to $700 for super drunk. The defendant must also receive alcohol treatment for at least one year.

Dillon had been on paid suspension until Monday night. During its regular monthly meeting Monday night, the WSCC board of trustees voted to terminate Dillon’s pay while on suspension. Board chairman James Jensen said Dillon had not met all the terms of the suspension. See related story. The board also voted to hire an attorney in relation to Dillon’s employment status.

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