Manistee police release video of college president being arrested

August 20, 2014

MANISTEE — The Manistee Police Department released the videos today showing the arrest of Charles Dillon, president of West Shore Community College on Aug. 6, 2014. The video published here was taken from one of two patrol vehicles that pulled Dillon over. It starts by showing Dillon being chased by another police car on U.S. 31 just north of the Manistee River. Dillon’s college-owned vehicle was southbound around dusk. He pulls the vehicle over in the Oleson’s grocery store parking lot, after traveling several blocks. While pulling into the parking lot, he drives over the curb.

After both officers speak to Dillon in his vehicle, he is asked to step out. During that time he is taken through a field sobriety test, often slurring his words and failing each of the tests. At one point, when asked about his level of education he responds that he is the president of West Shore Community College and has a doctorate degree. The two officers appear to handle themselves professionally throughout the process. He informed the officers that he had been in Elberta singing.

When asked to take a breathalyzer test, Dillon refuses. He is then placed in handcuffs, brought to a patrol car and arrested. He continually asks the officers to speak to Chief David Bachman, director of public safety. The officers inform Dillon that they have been in contact with Bachman who stated that he will review the case in the morning.  He is eventually taken to West Shore Medical Center to have his blood drawn.

See related story here. 


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