Vice presidents to share presidential duties at college

August 18, 2014

By Rob Alway. Editor-in-Chief. 

VICTORY TWP. — The two vice presidents of West Shore Community College will be overseeing the operation of the college in the absence of President Charles Dillon, who was suspended last week.

See related story here. 

Lisa Stich, vice president of academic and student services and Scott Ward, vice president of administrative services will oversee day to day operations of the college. They, along with the consent from Board of Trustees Chairman James Jensen will also oversee hiring of full time personnel.

Some of the duties normally handled by Dillon, will be split by the two:

– Stich will moderate the president’s leadership team and take the president’s role on academic and conduct issues and grievances, except to the exert she has already ruled on a grievance. In that case, such grievance would be handed by Ward. Stich will also attend state, regional and local meetings in place of the president as appropriate.

– Ward will take the president’s role with contracts and litigation. In addition, any payment and leave requests originating from the president’s office will be reviewed by him.

– Both vice presidents will take the president’s role in hiring for staff in their respective areas of responsibility with consent of Jensen.

– The development and business office will continue to perform all operational duties of the college’s foundation. Aspects of the foundation typically performed by the president will be performed as desired by the foundation board.

While Jensen said this leadership is temporary, “at some point I believe we may have to consider appointing an interim president. We are not at that point yet and we may never get there.

“This has been a real challenge,” Jensen said. “I’ve always said this is one of the best groups I’ve been involved with as a board. This group takes this extremely seriously. Everyone is willing to express their opinion. It’s not always the same opinion but it’s always the best for the college. We are going to move forward. We are going to move this college forward we are going to do that together.”


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