WSCC offers grandparent college

July 29, 2014

VICTORY TWP. – Registration is now open for West Shore Community College’s Grand College Experience which will take place on Fri., August 15, from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., on the campus.

This Grandparents College offers community members the unique opportunity to spend time with a grandchild, niece, nephew, or young friend in a fun and educational setting.

Sessions include:

Start and Share a Family Blog – Build a safe online meeting place for the whole family.  Learn the ins-and-outs of setting up a family blog, including how to post photos, messages, create an address book, comment on posts, as well as ensuring your blog remains a family affair, rather than a public website. Participants are invited to bring family photos and addresses on a thumb drive. Natalie Grochowski will teach this fun, informative tutorial.

Copper Handprints – Craft a family keepsake alongside your loved one. In this engaging session led by local art instructor Rachel Brock, participants will make and take original copper-embossed handprints. Trade with your grandchild or hang them together on a wall—individual designs are encouraged. Copper wire and beading for hanging is included.

Exploring Photography on the WSCC Trails – Photographer Al Geist leads this introductory session teaching participants how to aim and shoot like a pro.  Explore the WSCC campus trails through your lens, and leave with the day’s memories captured on camera.  Participants are asked to bring at least one digital camera per grandparent/grandchild pair.

Lunch will be provided and games and reading time are also scheduled in the William M. Anderson Library.

The content is targeted to children ages 6 – 13.  Grandparents of any age are welcome.

The cost is $40 per pair plus $20 for an additional person, three children maximum. Enrollment is limited and the registration deadline is August 12.

For more information or to register, contact Natalie Grochowski at (231) 843-5773, Maysie Walters at 843-5972, or Christy Christmas at 843-5834.

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