Beach 911 will teach kids about safety, emergencies

July 28, 2014

LUDINGTON — Life EMS ambulance has asked the city of Ludington for permission to use an area of Stearns Park for a program called Beach 911 on Saturday, Aug. 9.

Ludington Police Chief Mark Barnett sent a memo to Ludington City Clerk Jackie Steckel informing her and city council of the request.

“The event would be called Beach 911 and would seek to engage young people of various ages to present first aid, CPR and other safety information to them,” Barnett wrote.

Jeff Stockhill said the program is based on Camp 911, a day camp that has been in existence for over 30 years throughout the state. While Camp 911 is a day-long program that requires registration, Beach 911 will not require registration and will only be in short segments between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.

“We will just be on the beach and kids can come up and learn some of the basic skills,” Stockhill said.

More information will be available upon approval by city council, Stockhill said.

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