Judge candidates Glancy and Cooper to speak at Tea Party meeting

July 7, 2014

AMBER TWP. — The Ludington Area Tea Party will hold its regular monthly general meeting on Thursday, July 10 at 6:30 p.m. at the Gospel Light Baptist Church located at 105 N. Dennis Rd, Ludington.

The group will continue its candidate forum this month with two of the 51st Circuit Court judge candidates that will be on the August 5, 2014 Primary Election ballot.

The candidates who will be present will be Lake County Prosecutor Craig Cooper and Ludington attorney David Glancy. Candidate Susan Sniegowski spoke at the group’s June meeting.

The group will also review Proposition One which will be on the August ballot as well.  Prop 1 will officially eliminate the personal property tax and guarantee that cities and townships will have a source of revenue that will replace the tax.

The public is welcome to attend. For additional information please visit our websitehttp://ludingtonteaparty.org or call 231-233-1346.

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