Groundbreaking today for new home for injured soldier

June 28, 2014

HAMLIN TWP. — A groundbreaking ceremony will be held today at noon at the new site which will become the new home of Eric Lund. Eric, who is a Ludington native, was severely injured while serving in the U.S. Army in Afghanistan.

Eric’s new home will be located on Breckenridge Road just north of the intersection of Jebavy Dr. and Jagger Rd.

“We have been making exciting progress towards our goal of a new adaptable home,” said Melissa Boggs, Eric’s aunt. “It is with great pride that we give thanks to the many people in our community who have stepped up to say they will help. The effort continues, we invite you also to stop by the food tent at LUDROCk this weekend and say; ‘hi’, eat some burgers, and enjoy the first fundraising event for our Helping A Hero Home.”

The public is invited to attend.

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