Scottville commissioners to address another chicken request

May 16, 2014

chickenBy Rob Alway. Editor-in-Chief. 

SCOTTVILLE — Scottville City Commission will hear another request by a resident to raise chickens in their backyard when it meets Monday for its regular meeting at 5:30 p.m. at city hall, 105 N. Main St.

Scottville ordinance does not allow for farm animals to be kept within city limits. However, the ordinance does allow for city commission to make exceptions on a case-by-case basis.

Last fall city commissioners approved a request by a resident on East Second Street to raise chickens on the property he was renting. The commissioners followed the recommendations of the planning commission to allow the resident to raise up to eight hens, but would not allow roosters on site.

The current request comes from the resident of 206 E. Fifth St.

City Manager Amy Williams said the resident is requesting to raise up to eight hens but also will not have roosters on site.

“Her neighbor to the east has written a letter of support of the chickens,” Williams stated in a memo to city commission. The immediate west of the house is the city’s sewer lift station, but the residents in the house to the west of that have given a verbal approval to Williams.

“This resident’s back yard borders vacant land and a gully so there are no neighbors to check with there,” Williams said.

“I have been to their home and I really see no issues with them having the chickens, especially since both neighbors are in favor of the request.”