Thank you Team MCP. You are appreciated!

April 22, 2014

From the Editor.

Recently someone asked me about who works for the Mason County Press. As we continue to build this company and its services, I wanted to take a moment to give a shout out to the team. Over the course of the past two-plus years, some great people have come on board to help us continue to bring MCP to you. Here they are: 

Pam Prior is our senior sales and marketing consultant. Pam is out everyday talking to businesses and trying to help them promote themselves. These businesses are the reason you are able to read this site for free. We are very thankful for the investment and trust they have made in us. And I am thankful to Pam for constantly develop new marketing solutions for our customers. You can contact her by phone/text at 231-690-3188 or

Allison Scarbrough brings you the weekly court news. Every Wednesday she heads to the Mason County Courthouse, picks up the district and circuit court criminal files from the past week and then goes through the tedious task of typing it all up. Though it takes a lot of work, we believe this is important information for the public to have. Allison is also the editor of, our southern sister site. She lives in Hart and has worked in journalism for over 20 years. You can contact Allison by phone/text at 231-750-5744 or

The newest member of Team MCP is Kate Krieger. Kate knows the Mason County news scene well. Many of our readers have asked for more human interest stories, that show the best of what Mason County is. This is where Kate comes in. She’s now handling many of these stories and will also be covering some local government boards and some stories for our northern sister site, Kate can be reached by phone/text at 231-794-8402 or


We also have members of the team who help us out from time-to-time. Their help is very much appreciated and they are truly part of this team:

Brad Chandonnet is the web guy. He helps me solve the behind-the-scenes issues on our sites and is helping us make improvements.

Lisa Enos has been a part of Team MCP from the beginning. Lisa handles some of our investigative and court reporting. I’ve known Lisa since we were both in middle school together and I know when I need to get to the bottom of a story, she’s there.

Stephanie Wagner has been a faithful blogger on our site pretty much from the first few months of MCP’s creation. She writes about issues facing every modern day mother and career-oriented woman.

Judy Cools is another blogger who came onboard early on. Judy writes about life’s little observations and quirks.

Thad Ray’s blogs bring us some observations of life growing up in the working class side of town and what it’s like to be a single father. He also loves to throw in some politics from time to time.

Carrie Klemm has provided us with some great human interest and culture stories. She’s taking a sabbatical at this time because of her full-time job’s work load. But, we miss her!

And then there is my wife and business parter, Becky. She is basically my sounding board and voice of reason. Being the editor means hearing compliments and hearing complaints. Becky is always the one who advises me on how to handle most delicate situations. Her background and expertise is customer service — and she’s one of the best.


That’s our team. I want to publicly pledge to them that they will always be treated with respect, will be paid fair (and hopefully above-average) wages and are appreciated every single day.

Small town journalism means being available at all hours and each of these people, whether on the editorial side or advertising side, make sacrifices to assure that this company and its services continue to improve. Our goal is to be the best source of news in Mason, Oceana and Manistee counties. With the above team, I know that goal has already been reached!

– Rob Alway. Editor-in-Chief. 

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