House loosens up licensing for realtors and barbers, among other bills this week

March 21, 2014
Rep. Ray Franz

Rep. Ray Franz

The Capitol Report, by Rep. Ray Franz, Michigan 101st District.

Week of March 10-14, 2014:

On Tuesday, we concurred with the Senate on some minor changes to my bill, HB 4811, that expands family relief funds to military personnel that have deployment orders. It once again passed unanimously.

We also took up a four-bill package (SBs 575-578) that institutes conflict of interest and review polices for oversight boards, such as the state Board of Medicine. They all passed nearly unanimously.

On Wednesday, we took up five more bills (HBs 5234-5239) that are part of the broad human trafficking package. All passed nearly unanimously.

Thursday saw us take up two bills that lessen the licensing requirements for realtors and barbers (SB 641, HB 5396), and a bill to allow recipients of Clean Michigan Initiative loans to renegotiate for lower rates and better terms (SB 719).

There was also a bill to make health providers comply with the uniform substance use disorders credentialing standards the state has developed (HB 5332). This would allow the Department of Community Health to operate more effectively and efficiently.

There was a bill (HB 5119) to amend the banking Uniform Commercial Code to address a technical problem with fund transfers and federal jurisdiction.

Finally there were seven more bills (SB 805-811) that amend the mental health codes to remove references using the word retardation and mentally retarded. Less offensive language was inserted.

That’s what happened in Lansing this week.

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