Improve your indoor air quality

March 14, 2014

erin_doan_agency 031514Good Neighbor Tips. A blog by Erin Doan State Farm Insurance Agency.

Pollution isn’t limited to outdoor emissions. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), indoor pollution levels can be 2 to 5 times greater than outdoor levels. Given that the average American spends up to 90 percent of his or her time inside, indoor air quality has become a public health concern.


Know the 3 Types of Pollutants

“Indoor pollutants can be grouped into three different categories: gaseous, particulate and biological,” explains Elliott Horner, lead scientist at UL Environment. And, Horner adds, each category has its own risks.


When pollutants are in the gaseous state, they produce dangerous side effects. Minor ailments can include headaches and eye irritations. But the pollutants also can trigger much more serious consequences such as cancer and even death. The most worrisome gaseous pollutants include:

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)—Building materials and other household goods emit these chemicals, such as formaldehyde. Common sources are woods, drywall, adhesives, paint, cleaning products, furniture and even home electronics.

Radon gas, which occurs naturally in soil, is the second-leading cause of lung cancer and is responsible for at least 21,000 deaths a year.


Ultra-fine liquid or solid particles in the air can get deep into the lungs. They are associated with an increased risk of allergies and asthma attacks. Common particulates are:



Dust mites

Animal dander

Diesel exhaust particles that seep in from outdoors


“Biological pollutants almost always involve dampness or water damage,” Horner says. Humidity, water line breaks and flooding are frequent sources. They can cause infections and worsen allergies and asthma, and often produce less-toxic VOCs that still are a cause for concern. Biological pollutants include:



Bacteria—mostly occupant-related

Viruses—all occupant-related


Detecting a Problem
You can see many particulate pollutants, such as dust, but detecting the other types requires testing.

“There are several analytical sciences to detect issues in air quality, but they are very expensive,” says Horner. “However, there are some clues that the average person can pick up on, too.”

Horner suggests paying attention to foul or musty odors; or eye, skin or respiratory irritations among family members. Commercially available test kits can help you identify potential problems. If you suspect you’re dealing with a bigger problem, contact an environmental consultant or your local or state health department for assistance.


Preventing Future Problems
“Preventing and controlling indoor pollutants is best done with an integrated approach during the design, construction and operation parts of the life of a building,” explains Horner. Take steps toward healthier air through smart maintenance and furnishings:

Ventilate to increase fresh air.

Change your HVAC filters regularly.

Keep the humidity level between 30 and 50 percent.

Promptly address any leaks: plumbing, roof, or other.

Don’t allow smoking in your home.

Wash sheets and blankets weekly in hot water.

Keep pets out of bedrooms and off furniture.

Test your home with a DIY radon kit.

Clean up water damage within 48 hours.

Buy low-emitting products.

Invest in a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) vacuum.


Learn more about improving your indoor air quality from the EPA and the American Lung Association

The information in this article was obtained from various sources. While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. The information is not intended to replace manuals or instructions provided by the manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional. Nor is it intended to effect coverage under any policy. State Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information. We assume no liability in connection with the information nor the suggestions made.

– See more here. 

This blog has been brought to you by Erin Doan State Farm Insurance Agency of Scottville. 231-757-3115.

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