Jury selection continues

February 18, 2014

Eric Knysz

LUDINGTON — Jury selection in the case of Eric John Knysz, the man accused of killing Michigan State Police Trooper Paul Butterfield, continues this afternoon. Out of an initial pool of 85 Mason County residents, several jurors have been dismissed for various reasons. A 12-person jury, with two alternates, has been randomly seated and lawyers on both sides are not asking them questions.

Earlier, lawyers presented their witnesses. While Prosecutor Paul Spaniola introduced several witnesses, many of them law enforcement officers, defense attorney David Glancy only had one, Eric Knysz.

Most people at the courthouse are expecting jury selection to continue throughout the day with the possibility of opening statements Wednesday morning.

Court was expected to adjourn for lunch at 1:30 p.m. and will likely resume at 2:30 or 3 p.m.

Be sure to follow along on updates at www.facebook.com/MasonCountyPress and www.twitter.com/MasonCoPress. #trooperslaying.

MCP also has created a category (located in the menu below our masthead) titled “Trooper Butterfield” with an archive of all stories related to the case.

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