Reader urges a ‘no’ vote for Great Lakes Energy members

February 9, 2014

Letter to the Editor:   

Have you heard of the marketing campaign, “Buy local.” It sounds and feels good, and when we can, we do “buy local.” However, what if that was all you could do? Buy locally… no where else.

This is what Great Lakes Energy is asking us to do in this special election. They want to limit our voice to voting for only one member to serve on the Great Lakes Energy board… and no one else.

Today, you and I have a voice in electing all nine directors. With our collective voices we have already elected four local members, two from Mason and two from Oceana County. This will no longer be possible.

When a local member runs, if we like what we see, we vote for them. It feels good. In addition, we also evaluate the other candidates. The ones we like, we vote for them too. Our vote may be because they help to diversify the board, or support energy efficiency efforts, or have extensive electric utility experience, or promote renewable energy, or for any other reason important to us.

Do we really want to give up eight of our nine votes? The “price” of this proposal is too high.

I encourage you to respectfully turn down the proposed by-law changes. Your ballot should have already arrived with the Michigan Country Lines Magazine.

Please Vote “NO” and drop the postage paid ballot in the mail today.

More information can be found at

Thank you,
Paul Schemanski

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