Snow removal a topic of conversation for Scottville

February 3, 2014

SCOTTVILLE — The Scottville City Commission will meet for its regular meeting tonight at the Scottville branch of the Mason County District Library. The city hall is currently undergoing upgrades to make the first floor compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The commission meets at 5:30 p.m.

The commission is expected to discuss snow removal.

City Manager Amy Williams, in a pre-meeting memo, said she was concerned about residents placing snow into the streets. City ordinance, as well as state law, prohibits placing snow into public roadways.

Williams said she has read in the media that this isn’t an isolated issue, but it certainly is taking place in Scottville. “I have asked the police department to pay special attention to this issue and write tickets if necessary,” she said. “We all have a lot of snow to deal with and the majority of people are obeying the law. But, there are a handful of people who aren’t.”

Scottville has two large plow trucks, one of which was down for repairs last week. That truck has now been fixed and is back in service.


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