Oceana County Parent Connection Meeting

December 28, 2013

PENTWATER — The Oceana County Parent Coalition will hold its bi-monthly Parent Connection meeting on Thursday, January 9th from 5:30- 7:30 p.m. at Storybook Village, 560 S. Hancock St.

Guest speaker for the evening will be Katie Jourdan from District Health Department #10 speaking on “Whooping Cough: It Can Take Your Breath Away.” Dinner and childcare will be provided and the children will have story time with Miss Barbara during the parent meeting portion of the evening. All Oceana County parents/grandparents/caregivers of children 0-12 years old are invited to attend.

Due to space restrictions, pre-registration is required. Contact Lexi Alvesteffer, Parent Liaison, at 231-425-7768 or by e-mailing mloparentliaison@gmail.com to register or for more information.

The Oceana County Parent Coalition is part of the Mason-Lake-Oceana Great Start Collaborative which works to assure a coordinated system of community resources and support to help all families in the tri-county area provide a great start for their children from pre-birth to age 8.