Amber Twp. ORV ordinance

December 13, 2013

The following is a paid posting by Amber Township. It is being posted as required by law.

ORV Ordinance 2013-1118

Township of Amber

County of Mason

State of Michigan

Summary of ORV Ordinance

1) Definitions

2) Operation of ORV on County Roads

An individual may operate an ORV on a road within Amber Township provided that the ORV is operated only with the flow of traffic, on the far right of the maintained portion of the road, subject to additional regulations.

3) No Township Duty to Maintain County Road

Despite the terms of this Ordinance allowing the ORV to use portions of County Roads, the Township has no duty to, and undertakes no duty, to maintain a road within its boundaries in a condition reasonably safe and convenient for the operation of the ORV. Amber Township is immune from tort liability for injuries or damages sustained by any person arising in any way out of the operation or use of an ORV on maintained and unmaintained roads, streets, shoulders, and right of ways within the township, except in cases of gross negligence. “Gross negligence” means conduct as reckless as to demonstrate a substantial lack of concern for injury results.

4. Enforcements

A violation of this ordinance is a civil infraction, and the guilty party/parties or person/persons shall each pay a fine of not more than $500.00. In addition a court may order the defendant to pay the cost of repairing any damage to the environment, a road, or public or private property damaged as a result of the violation.

Effective Date: This ordinance will be effective 30 days after its first publication. The Ordinance will be reviewed 30 days prior to one year after its effective date to determine its continuation.

A complete copy of the Ordinance will be available by contacting the Amber Township Clerk and will be on file at the Mason County Courthouse.

Brenda Knizacky, Amber Township Clerk