United Way reaches 32% of its goal

November 20, 2013

LUDINGTON — United Way of Mason County has reached 32% of its $355,013.00 goal, with pledges totaling $113,944.96 after 5 weeks of a 9-week campaign.

The dollars raised from this year’s campaign will be awarded to local programs that are helping children to achieve their potential, working with adults and families to be financially stable and independent or improving people’s health, according to Lynne Russell, executive director. Last year, United Way of Mason County awarded dollars to 18 local programs that are addressing one or more of the above priority areas. In addition, it helped fund the 2-1-1 Information and Referral Program and Volunteer West Michigan. These two services provide a centralized location for Mason County residents to access needed health and human services and locate available volunteer opportunities in our community.

The team members from Ludington Meijer and employees from the City of Ludington wrapped up their workplace campaigns raising $11,692.00 and $7,050.00, respectively. In addition, over 78% of the employees from the City of Ludington made a contribution. The majority of the dollars raised in these two companies were from employees giving through payroll deduction. “It is much easier for an individual to give $1 or $2 a pay period than to write a check for $52 or $104,” Russell stated.

In Mason County, there are over 40 businesses that hold a workplace campaign and allow their employees to give through payroll deduction. “Having a workplace campaign is less about the size of the business and more about giving employees an easier way to give and building a sense of community spirit,” Bobbi Spence, board chair and Metalworks Workplace Campaign chair said.

Spence also emphasized that United Way of Mason County needs the support of individuals and businesses not connected to a workplace campaign to reach its goal. Other options for giving include cash, check, credit card, bill payment or on-line at www.masoncountyuw.org.
Contributions can be mailed to United Way of Mason County, 108 South Rath Avenue, Suite 201, Ludington, MI 49431 or for more information call 843-8593.