Resident granted permission to raise chickens in Scottville

November 19, 2013

SCOTTVILLE — The Scottville City Commission is allowing a resident to raise chickens at his home. During its regular meeting Monday night, the commission followed the recommendation of the planning commission and granted permission to Ben Trute of East Second Street, to raise up to eight chickens on the property he rents.

Trute lives near the gulley, which is where the pen will be located. However, there will be no rooster running the roost; Trute is only allowed to raise hens there.

Scottville’s ordinance prohibits raising animals in the city limits, with the exception of domestic pets such as cats and dogs (those numbers are limited). However, the ordinance allows for other exceptions to be granted on a case-by-case basis by the city commission.

“This is personal to the person and not the property,” City Attorney Tracey Thompson told the commission. “Typically when dealing with zoning, it’s not personal and the change is to the property itself. But, if Mr. Trute moves the next person doesn’t necessarily take over the roost.”

Planning Commission Chairman Roy Holden said the sentiment of the planning commission was that a family should be allowed to raise food for their family as long as it does not cause disruptions to his neighbors.

“If there are any problems, they are gone,” Holden said. “You have to respect your neighbor.”

City Manager Amy Williams said that she had been researching what other cities in Michigan do in regards to raising fowl. She said Ann Arbor and East Lansing seem to have good regulations and she plans to pursue reviewing those policies for future requests.

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